This is the shoebox existence of an almost twenty Manhattaner in university, a series of contradictions waiting to be flattened as youth passes by and stability ensues. Or why a Sunday morning does not necessarily reflect the elation and exuberance that is a Saturday night, or why an almost twenty is not yet marriageable, and needs a couple of internships and some years in college before he has a job. But whatever it might be, is it art?

Call it Conceptual Art. Call it utter nonsense. Or call it just the times we live in. But a bed with the sheets stained with body secretions, the floor with things from the her room, from condoms to knickers with menstrual period strains to slippers, just the way Tracey Emin found it to be after a suicidal depression kept her in it for days almost won the Turner Prize in 1999.
View the image of here.
It's a pity that Tracy Emin found Charles Saatchi before I did.
(This is an excerpt of my second progression for the New York University Expository Writing Program. For the whole 1430 words of it, leave your request on the comments or drop me an E- Mail at You just might be glad you read it before it came on your morning newspaper.)
1 comment:
utterly confused, living by moments,enjoying the sorrows and depressions interrupted with on & off sex still finding a meaning to live and making the world as beautiful as it is, thats the art of living. Leave the orderly things to sun,the moon and the tides rather be the waves, the sudden winds, the subtle electrifying touch of the beloved.
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